Sunday, 12 October 2014

Waiting expectantly

I know a lot of people always ask me the same question. "What's the status of your heart?" 
Okay, read this and you will find out the answer... 
     This is the best time of my life I could tell I am patient, I am truly happy with what I am and what I have; the time I am enjoying because I only live for myself, family, friends, and with God. No phone calls from anyone, no chats, no random dates, totally not into anyone or anything. Do I miss a relationship? Yup! Do I desire companionship? Yup.

But I already KNOW what I NEED, WANT and DESERVE in a relationship and I won’t settle anymore. I learned discipline, obedience, and trust. And as I learned discipline, guess what happened? I found my purpose. I honed my talents. I made new friends with similar interests. I spent a lot of time with family, friends and myself. And I got closer to God than I ever imagined possible. I hear him more clearly. The faith and obedience I am always praying for, He then answered it. 

How could I find the right man if I, myself is not the right girl? How could I settle for a lifetime commitment If I am not ready? If this is what God wanted me to be, let His will be done. If this is what He calls preparation for something "best" that He will give, so be it. I am just waiting..... expectantly! 🙏

Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in him. (Psalms 62:5 NLT)

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