You should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God. (NLT) ( 1 Peter 3:4 )
We spend a lot of time focusing on our outward appearance such as perfecting our hairstyle, improving our physique, selecting the right clothes. In all, a lot of thought goes into creating just the right look. Do we spend the same amount of time cultivating our inner beauty? We know what inner beauty looks like...patience, generosity, peace-loving, fearless, and filled with a silent strength. Are we spending more time worrying about the color of our teeth instead of the kind of words that come out of our mouth? Ultimately our words are a reflection of our heart.
The moment I read this, I felt guilty about it. Most of us, humans insecure nature will never be satisfied with how we look, the clothes we wear, our features. I must admit, I am one insecure girl even though a lot of people will always give me compliments; and it's a struggle for me. What others may think I am always just conscious about the way I look but I am more conscious of what's inside my heart, my innermost being, my essence of being a graceful woman. Everyday is like an exam for me to be a better person; the way I live, the way I deliver words through my mouth, the way I treat the people around me, the way to maximize my spiritual growth as a Christian. Should we always be reminded that it is more pleasing to have a beautiful soul rather than a beautiful face. A beautiful person with all the grace coming from our Lord, our God.
"Charm can be deceiving, and beauty fades away but a woman who honours the Lord deserves to be praised" Proverbs 31:30
This scripture always reminds me that we have our own unique way of being beautiful.
"The sun has its own beauty, the moon another beauty, and the stars a different beauty, and even among stars there are different kinds of beauty." 1 Corinthians 15:41
A part of my everyday prayer goes like this:
Lord, let me see the inner beauty of everyone. Help me to open my heart than my eyes, to help me see the goodness and purity of their heart. Amen.
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