Monday, 8 April 2013

The Encounter

           For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11 NIV) 

I was inspired to do this blog because of the movie, "The Encounter"  

Synopsis:  Stranded in the middle of nowhere, five strangers take refuge in a deserted roadside diner. An arrogant businessman, a lonely woman, an estranged couple, and a teen runaway, they appear to have nothing in common.But the Christlike proprietor seems strangely all-knowing and offers more than temporal nourishment.

      I fell in love with the movie or should I say, I was emotionally stricken by it that my tears was overflowing. It is scriptually deep and very accurate answers are given to very difficult life issues. The answers to life's question are offered with compassion. And here I am telling the story of my life that somehow will make you understand why i wrote this blog. 

 ------       2 years ago, I was just a happy, contented and a loving girlfriend to a man I thought was perfect, I thought I could already spend my life with. I never planned to work overseas, but that that's the only way I know I could escape to my strict parents and later on prove to them that they should let go of me, approve to our plans to finally settle down. "That was the original plan"... Not  until something happened that changed my life...           
         April 2011 I came to Singapore, gathered with strength and courage to conquer a different world away from my loved ones together with my motivation of having a good future with my "fiancee". I always believed with our relationship, that we are strong enough to face all the problems, that we can survive in a long distance relationship, but as they say "Promises are made to be broken"... One month later, without a clear explanation; he broke up with me.. That was the most painful, heartbreaking moment of my life. I was lost, confused, mentally distracted, emotionally torn, spiritually malnourished. I had so many questions in my mind, "What have i done to make me experience like this?!" "Am i really not good enough?!" "What will i do with my life without him?! " "Should i go home or stay?!" I tried to hold on, fight for him, trying to save the relationship though I am already losing my self respect and pride. Pain was excruciating, every night I would fall sleep because my eyes are already tired from crying. And without shame telling you this, I even tried to hurt myself just to beg for his attention and pity. But sadly, it didn't work. It was really hard for me knowing I have no family and trusted friends here. The only friend I have that time was Hazel, a former UST colleague, a good friend and a fully devoted Christian. She would always tell me positive things, that I should see the break up as opportunity to be a better girlfriend or maybe an eye opener for me that "Christian" (yes that was his name) was not the one God has planned for me. She always prays for me. She gave me some Christian books to read, some things to do for me to divert my attention and time, and she suggested to read the Bible. 

     “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30 NIV)

          When I always open the Bible it amazes me how God is talking to me through His words, and I always ended up crying. It helps me a lot to cope up. And that was the moment I felt something different, that I am longing for something. Until that time Hazel invited me to attend their service. Feeling uncertain about it, I accepted her invitation. It's something new for me because i grew up in a family of devoted Catholic. Yes I always pray, I always go to church every Sunday but this one is totally different. I didn't know what to expect. As I entered the room, people greeted me with a warm smile, it's like people know each other very much. Having that positive attitude, I welcomed the new experience with a hope that I will find the answers to my questions. And yes somehow, I find the answers to my questions. That was finding the real essence of my existence, a beginning of good relationship with our creator, God.  First few months are smooth sailing, my broken heart was healing faster, and I knew I already moved on. But my biggest dilemma I had that time was how will I tell to my parents that i am beginning to attend a Christian service,that I am beginning to take a different path. I know they will be shocked that they will think I am converting to another religion.  I still continue to attend Sunday services without telling my parents about that.  And then I  felt I am already okay with my life. I am ready to take another chance of falling in love again. I thought I was ready. Until I met someone, I became busy and already forget about everything. Again, I am back to my old self. Willing to do anything just for the sake of being loved in return, I devoted my time and attention to him. In some ways, I felt happy, but not loved. I didn't get what i want. Again, i questioned my self "What's wrong with me?". I was hurting, for the nth time. Again, I began to pray. I asked for another chance, for me to find the answers to my questions... I kept my heart sensitive to His voice, to follow His promptings, I know He spoke to my heart and led me to the way I should go. And just like the prodigal son as I am, I went back and ask for His forgiveness. 
            " But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, His son, purifies us from all our sins" (1 John 1:7) 

          And truly, God will never fail you. He is always faithful to His servants. He has his own ways of bringing you back in His loving arms. That was the time someone invited me for a Christian Life Program for SfC. I told myself, "I guess this is the one I've been waiting for, the answered prayer." Maybe this time I could be proud to tell my parents because they are also part of the CFC, that I wouldn't have a dilemma about it. And then I began my journey with Him exactly one year ago. 
SVDP CLP batch 2012

                  I am thankful to where I am now, these people made a big impact in my life, in my life being a Christian. They made me open my heart and mind to the Lord, to fully accept His love, forgiveness, and blessings. I became more appreciative with my family, friends, work, to the people around me, to see goodness in every bad things, to the people I've encountered in the past because I already understand that everything has its reasons, everything has its purpose. And recently together with my household, we we watched this movie "The Encounter", I let out everything I have kept in my heart the whole time. I cried my heart out because i can really relate to the movie. I felt Jesus talk to me the way He talked to Melissa in the movie. "Melissa, I have so much in store for you, only if you will trust me. You have a very tender heart. How many guys have you fallen in love with? It's just not my will for a couple to be unequally matched. Isn't it more important for a guy to love Me more than he loves you? I promise you, remember, I have many wonderful things in store for you"....The message was very clear and  now I understand everything. It's not the material things, it's not someone who will complete you, will bring you happiness. It's being contented in  what you have, and I am proud to say I already have the best relationship, the relationship with Jesus, with our Creator. It's also not the religion that matters it's about knowing Jesus, knowing God. I am just thankful for my household, sisters, nanays, tatays, brothers; for always leading me to the right path.It's like having a second family here in Singapore. They are my wingless angels indeed, one of my greatest blessings.
                   I am not saying I am already free from sins, cause sinners as we are; I still fail, I always stumble and fall. But God is faithful. God is love. He will always forgive us. Believe me, He is just there. That small voice you hear within your heart. We just need to have FAITH. 

"Now Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see" Hebrews 11:1

"Therefore if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come. The old has gone, the new is here!" 2 Corinthians 5:17

"Lord, Thank You for your unfailing love. Thank You Jesus for your message that inspires me to share this. Thank You for being my Savior, my best friend, brother, my Healer, everything that I need. I always ask for your guidance. You already know what's in my heart. Make me the woman i deserve to be. All Glory to God. Amen."

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