"Nursing is an art; and if it is made to be an art, it requires an exclusive devotion as hard as preparation, as any painter's or sculptor's work; for what is having to do with the canvass or dead marble, compared with having to do with the living body, the temple of God's spirit. It is one of Fine Arts: the finest of Fine Arts."
This is one of my favorite quotes from the founder of nursing herself, Florence Nightingale. But how do I begin explaining and telling you all about Nursing. They always say nurses are just like nannies, assistant of doctors, a low level profession. And just like any other nurses, I am always hurt by this connotations. The first question is... What does it mean to be a nurse? Nursing for me is a heart and soul experience, it requires your whole being to be involve in the profession. It is a roller coaster ride experience of your emotions. You tend to laugh and cry a lot. You are surrounded by challenges and carrying an immense responsibility but at the same time a little authority. You step into people's lives and making a difference every single day. Some people will bless you, while others will curse you. You see people at their best and at their worst. You will never cease to be amazed at people's capacity to love, to have the courage and endurance. You will see life begins and life ends. You must be flexible enough in dealing with people's emotions. But the most important thing being a nurse is you will know what it is to be human and to be humane. No book can teach us how to cry with a patient, and to show compassion with them. It's about being able to LOVE people when they are their weakest moments. Being a
Nurse is what I love most, it is because it is all about being who I am..
Nurse is what I love most, it is because it is all about being who I am..
I landed on this job way back 2011 when I was having high hopes of my future together with my boyfriend. (well, that was a different story) I prayed for this, to be able to continue my work being an OR nurse. Luckily I did. The past 2 years has been a struggle for me, I had ups and downs. To be strong despite all the challenges, despite all the changes. And to cope up working and living in a foreign land, it was really hard... "Change is constant, we must accept it because someday we will know if that changes will bring something better in our lives. But sometimes, changes can hurt us.. as we could never imagine."
Major part of my nursing career was me being a staff nurse in this prestigious hospital. I spent almost 3 years of my life here, I can say this is one of the fulfillment of my dreams. I dream of becoming an alumnus of this school wherein fact this is the only school I took an entrance exam out of hundreds of nursing schools in Manila, but I didn't make it. As I promised to myself I will go back here, and it did happen. I know I was meant to be here. Most of the people I worked with are already part of my life, I gained friends that I can say I will keep for the rest of my life. My mentors, seniors, doctors, and even the "ate's kuya's manang's" became part of being who I am as a nurse and as a person. A lot of memories to be treasured I must say.. I miss UST....
Sadly, I had no pictures in my facebook when I was in BDH, the starting point of my career. A crazy, fun, memorable experience. I will always be thankful for my mentors. You know who you are..
"The character of the nurse is just as important as the knowledge she possesses" It's all about making a difference, touching lives of the people, and patients may forget our names but they will never forget how we made them feel.
---"Lord, I may be whining and complaining about my work but help me remember that I am blessed to have this job. Amen"
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