Monday, 20 January 2014

trial and error..

      As I keep on moving forward, life has its way of bringing me down. Instances, people, emotions. Mixing it up together, I ended up failing the test. I thought I became numb to feel anything, to expect, to feel the disappointment. But I was wrong. 
     As I became stronger, enemies begun to strike me to my weakest points. I'm almost finishing the race but I stumble and fall, I've tried to get up but the wound excruciates deep down to my soul. Again, I am trying hard to heal the wound. 
    The most important thing is I know when, how and who to turn to. Lessons will always learned the hard way. 

"Come now, let's settle this," says the Lord. "Though your sins are like scarlet, I will make them as white as snow. Though they are red like crimson, I will make them as white as wool." (NLT) ( Isaiah 1:18 ) 

Everyone is walking around stained with sins. God has the power to settle it once and for all. No matter how hard we try to fix, ignore, or run away, He alone can wash away the red stains. What sins are you still holding onto? Ask God to cleanse you of your sins today.  Then enjoy His grace.

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