Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Happy Birthday Sis :)

,     You always make "tampo" when I always make blogs with some of my friends, but now is the perfect time I make one for you. 
      For the generous, kind hearted person I know, for the very gullible, bubbly and witty girl, the very OC, my elder sister, my nanay, my confidant, best room mate, my chocolates and chips eating partner, spoiler friend, and my 1st bestfriend here in Singapore. Thank You for all those wonderful times I had with you, for guiding and taking care of me, for being my ate. I never said this things with you before but I am too blessed to have you. Thank You for molding me into a more matured woman, for being there for me as always, for keeping my secrets, for sharing all the kilig moments, and those late night chikahan. I really miss that. :) 
                                          pics from Jade's wedding last summer :) 


                                        and our cam-whoring moments at the airport
 All the pictures say it all, one album is not enough to share all the good memories with you. Sorry for all those times I hurt you. I know whenever I need a sister, you will always be there for me. We may never see each other as often as before, I know our friendship will just be there. And you can count on me too. I love you more than you know. Again Happy Happy Birthday. I really miss you. :)
 "Having a sister is like having a bestfriend you can't get rid of. You know whatever you do, they will still be there" 

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