Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Happy and Blessed at 29!

     As I end this day, I wanna thank You Father God for my life, for the past 29 years of blissful beautiful crazy journey. Thank You for filling up this day with so much love, for channeling it through the people around me, my family, friends, colleagues and all the people that I encounter. Your love never fails. I couldn't ask for more. My heart filled with so much gratitude, I almost can't contain it. The pictures tell everything. Thank You for all the people who took time to type their message for my birthday and greeted me, for my colleagues who were with me for my birthday salubong, my friends/housemates/sisters who made an effort to surprise me for a breakfast birthday party, my close friends for the jollibee party, and most especially my family who are always been there for me, though we're miles apart, I can always feel your love for me. Thanks mommy and daddy for celebrating it at home even when I am not there with you. Lord, I only have one wish and You know my heart's desire. I will patiently wait for the one I truly deserve, because Your plans are always the best for us. Indeed a happy and blessed day for me :)