Wednesday, 27 November 2013

"Living life with an attitude of gratitude"

            I know I don't have the right to complain whatever the bad things going in my life right now, I know I am so blessed to have everything of what I have right now, I am too stubborn to ask for more, and I really felt guilty for that. When we are burdened or mistreated, we may feel defeated. And that's what I am feeling right now. I feel helpless, I feel so tired, I feel I am nothing. But our burdens can make us stronger and can develop qualities in us that will prepare us for the future. That's true. "We cannot be over comers without troubles to overcome. " And the only thing I am holding on to right now is this. "Be true to God in the hard times because even the worst situations can make us better people. Time has always a way of healing, of smoothing over the bumpy parts of our lives."  We just always need to hold on.

       Even though things get rough sometimes, I'm still thankful for these instances because at the end of it I will still realize how blessed I am to have everything that I need in my life. To be grateful rather than to whine/complain, to smile rather than frown, to be happy rather than sad.        

    Gradually we see things in different perspectives. Everything you've done, everyone you've loved, every mistake you've made, every obstacle you've overcome is part of the woman you are today.     
   And with a great sense of humility allows us to see our weakness and embrace Gods strength; it allows us to see our insufficiency and embrace His adequacy; it allows to see our emptiness and embrace His fullness; it allows to see our poverty and embrace His riches; it allows to see our sin and embrace His righteousness; it allows to see our lack and embrace His supply. Humility is the place of freedom where our spirit soars where love is perfected and where God's richest blessings abound. 
         ''And with all of these, ALL GLORY TO OUR GOD" 

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Amazing Thailand

               "Reach deep within and reconnect with the essence of your being" 
I've always wanted to travel alone, but it always scares me how will I do it, not until this time I had enough courage to conquer my fears. Phuket, Thailand is one in my bucket list. I decided to go here because beach is one of the places I called "my sanctuary," I don't know why but it gives me this sense of happiness inside. It was indeed a very memorable trip for me. I was able to get what I always wanted. The feeling of independence and a feeling of satisfaction. This picture tells a thousand words, isn't it? 
                                                  The Sun, Sand and Sea. 

Soul searching as what most people call it but I think it's more of just finding the meaning of being alone but happy. I just needed that time alone, to align everything on my thinking, my decisions, and my goals in life. The essence of being happy even when I am alone. That trip gave me the appreciation of what I have in my life now. The blessings of having a good job, my family and my friends. 

                                                "Explore. Dream. Discover."       
             It is about taking steps to move away from my home comforts to discover what is waiting for me in the big, wide world. And, if I don’t take those steps, I'll forever regret it. And I am right, there are a lot of wonderful things to see in this world.

Now that I finally did it, my next plan--- Hongkong-Macau. Why not?! :)